Bike fitting for optimal performance
What is the importance of a bike fit? A proper bike fit is essential for injury prevention and maximized efficiency. An optimal position on the bike will allow for greater comfort and enjoyment while riding. All bodies are different and your position on the bike should reflect your biomechanics.
Highly accurate & comprehensive bike fit data
The best way to analyze a rider’s efficiency is to observe and measure the rider while he or she is pedaling the bike. Retül 3D motion capture technology simultaneously measures three planes of movement on the rider as he or she is in motion. Retül averages the rider’s pedal strokes to provide a comprehensive data set reflecting the rider’s movements. Only at this point can a bike fit expert properly evaluate changes to a rider’s position. Attempts to analyze the rider in a static position, or only in two dimensions, will not provide data at the same level of accuracy as 3D motion capture.